Request for Proposals
The Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport invites eligible and qualified Consultants to submit proposals for Consultancy Services to Develop a Business Case for an Integrated Motor Vehicle and Driver’s Licence System.
Procuring Entity: | Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport |
Eligibility: | A copy of a valid Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) or Tax Compliance Letter (TCL) |
Procurement Method: | National Competitive Bidding |
Selection Method: | Quality Cost- Based Selection (QCBS) |
Availability of Tender Document and Registration
This is an online Tender process where the bidding document will only be made available and responses accepted via the Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP) System (via the url: www.gojep.gov.jm). No offline (hard copies) tenders will be accepted and there will be no physical tender box for drop-off of tender documents.
The Bidding Document will be available for download as of November 9, 2023.
To participate in this tender opportunity, interested bidders must first be duly registered and account activated on GOJEP at www.gojep.gov.jm.
To register, please select the link “Register as a supplier” link from the system’s home page and complete the information.
Procuring Entity: | A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held virtually on November 14, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. |
Deadline for Clarification: | November 20, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. All requests for clarification must be submitted using GOJEP. |
Deadline for submission of Tenders: | Tenders must be submitted via the electronic portal no later than November 28, 2023 at 2:00 pm Jamaica Time. Late bids will be automatically rejected by the system. |
Tender Opening: | An online tender opening will be conducted on November 28, 2023 at 2:15 pm. |
The Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport is not obliged to accept the lowest or any tender, and also reserves the right to terminate the Tender process at any point before the award of a contract, without incurring any liability to any of the participants.
Contact Information: Director, Public Procurement kMcFarlane@mtw.gov.jm
Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport
PCJ Building, 36 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10
Jamaica, West Indies Telephone #: (876) 920-4570
For assistance with downloading of bidding document and uploading of tender proposals, please contact the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Office of Public Procurement Policy Help Desk at: (876) 932-5220/806-5587/806-5149//806-4581 or via email at opppcustomercare@mof.gov.jm