Government of Jamaica

Minister Henry off to African Union Summit in Libya

Posted on January 16, 2015 in Uncategorized

Transport and Works Minister, Hon. L Michael Henry, is attending the African Union Summit in Tripoli, Libya, where he is representing Prime Minister Bruce Golding. The summit is scheduled for July 1-3.

Minister Henry will participate in Caribbean Community (CARICOM)-Libyan bilateral discussions and other broad regional and global agenda items, and is likely to have direct discussions with the Libyan leader, MuammarGaddafi.

Supporting the minister at the summit will be John Clarke, Counsellor at the Jamaican High Commission in London. 

Minister Henry holds longstanding African interests, including his relentless crusade for reparation from European states for the atrocities of the trans-Atlantic slave trade from Africa to the Caribbean and the Americas centuries ago. The reparation issue has drawn much interest in Europe over recent years, including some apologies and acknowledgements by European governments, among them Italy, which last August signed a treaty to pay £4.5bn over 20 years as compensation for its former colonisation of Libya.