In its quest to empower children with the requisite information associated with safety on our roads, the Road Safety Unit of the Ministry and Mining on Monday, October 10, 2016, visited the Bartons Primary School in St. Catherine.
The team of Cameal Stewart, Education/Information Officer in the Unit, Jonelle Sharpe, Administrator and Leo McEwan, Public Relations Officer in the Ministry had the children and teachers spellbound as they used creative ways to ensure that the road safety message had the desired effect.
In opening the presentation, Mr. McEwan noted that he was in his hometown, and while reminiscing about his time there, said he was hoping that the presentation would help to save the lives of children as they traversed the traffic environment. He said that he was particularly pleased to be back on familiar territory passing on information that he hoped would be beneficial to the students of his alma mater.
For their part, Miss Stewart and Miss Sharpe through the use of several vivid power point presentations (songs, videos and pictures), lively activities along with a question and answer segment, ensured that their audience was left with the Road Safety message.
School visits are an integral part of the Road Safety Unit’s mandate and are used to impart the tenets of good road safety habits to children. The Unit will be focusing on the parishes of St. Catherine, Kingston and St. Andrew for the month of October.
Schools wishing to have the Unit visit them are asked to contact the Road Safety Unit by, emailing them at or telephone 754-1900.